Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Gone, Virtual Daddy, Gone
Actually, I don't think I ever played a game like that...
They're gone. It took about a year but I sold all the unwanted video games and all but one DVD. During my experiment with selling used video games and DVDs online, I discovered Amazon.com totally kicks e-Bay's butt. I sold one thing on e-Bay and never got paid. I sold tons of games and DVDs at the Amazon Marketplace and got adequate cash. I even sold the instructions, the map, and the box to GTA3 - but not the game (I lost it)! Granted, I sold this item for $0.50; hell, I sold everything for less than what I paid for it. Still, I got it out of the house and got some extra cash too boot. This was such a successful experiment that Dawn is looking for other things to sell. Cha-ching!

Amazon is the shit, yo. I made like $500 selling my textbooks a few years back.
I should do that with the games...
Why do all your comments get time stamped with 3:29 AM. Either you're a party animal or something is screwy with the blog.
Yes, Amazon, or Amazabomb as I refer to it, is excellent. Now that I've exhausted the games box, its time to move onto to unwanted books and then records.
amazon marketplace rules man. even to buy stuff, I bought a sealed real copy of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang for like 4 bucks. Maybe it was stolen, but hell, im cool with that. :-)
i have that on Netflix right now. that's weird.
probably because i left the comment at 12:30 in the morning. it's late but not crazy-late, with the time change.
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