Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Gone, Virtual Daddy, Gone

Actually, I don't think I ever played a game like that...

They're gone. It took about a year but I sold all the unwanted video games and all but one DVD. During my experiment with selling used video games and DVDs online, I discovered totally kicks e-Bay's butt. I sold one thing on e-Bay and never got paid. I sold tons of games and DVDs at the Amazon Marketplace and got adequate cash. I even sold the instructions, the map, and the box to GTA3 - but not the game (I lost it)! Granted, I sold this item for $0.50; hell, I sold everything for less than what I paid for it. Still, I got it out of the house and got some extra cash too boot. This was such a successful experiment that Dawn is looking for other things to sell. Cha-ching!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

In the Hanging Garden Washroom

Hanging Stuff
Originally uploaded by jasonhunter.

This is the end result of painting the closet green. We moved the wire rack out so we could have room for this fancy cabinet. It holds a variety of cleaning products, as well as the persistent gift boxes that have been stacked on something since we moved in.

Even though we replaced one item with another, this setup is much safer. Before, every time I wanted something from the shelves to the right I always bonked my head on the corner of the wire rack. Now there is enough clearance between the cabinet and shelves for you to stand (!) between then and leisurely select what you need. Amazing!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Everything is on Sale!

Everything is on Sale!
Originally uploaded by jasonhunter.

While this does not constitute a direct home improvement, saving this kind of dough allows us to spend money on all the little projects around the house. Plus - the Harris Tetter brands are tasty! Salsa, lunch meats, and fish are always on sale. Add to that the yummy sugar cookies right inside the door. I thought after the grand opening last fall that this service would end. Yet to their credit the cookie stand is still there. Maybe that's why we shop there some much.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

We Are Open for Business

Originally uploaded by jasonhunter.

This past Wednesday I have two things in my favor - warm weather and comp time at work. So I used these two favors to accomplish two tasks that the cold weather prevented. Because I sure as hell ain't working outside unless its 55 degrees plus. Also, the grip tape for the shed ramp says it won't stick unless it's above freezing. That's all the endorsement I need!

Anymore interested in replacing a porch light should now it's rather simple. Since there is only one foot or so of wiring, the hardest part was doing the wiring with both hands and keeping the fixture aloft. Fortunately, I was able to attach the fixture to the nearby awning's support arm with a velco strap. I should have taken a picture of that - that was something to see.