...and painting the cabinets...

...a bright new happier color...

I should have taken a picture with the cabinet doors attached, which is what we did Sunday. If you've never tried it, re-attaching cabinet doors isn't as easy as one would think. I took us 4 attempts and a trip to home depot before we got it right. So now that we know the ropes of taking apart, sanding, priming, painting and re-hanging cabinets, we hope for the same success with the other side. I'll post pictures of the finished project.
Halo, Sister-in-Law!
We were graced with an overnight stay by my sister-in-law, Lauren, last night. She was very excited that the XBOX was repaired. While I am very familiar with the single-player campaign I had no experience with the head-to-head mutli-player feature, of which she was familiar. It took me a while to get acquainted with the maps and the rules of the board. Once that occurred, there were frags a-flying. Frags to the face, frags to the back of the head, frags off of the ladders. With all the fragging going on, you might think there'd be no room for anything else. Oh, but there was amble room for trash talking. And later root beer floats.
You people and your xbox!
Actually nothing ends an evening of frags better than root beer. I know that one from experience.
Nice cabinet work, too. Stop improving everything, or the value is likely to go up!
Congrats! You guys are so handy! :) Hope all is well!
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