Originally uploaded by jasonhunter.
This is ours. It's new and replaces the vanity that was a magnet for junk mail, magazines, dust, and pens. Now all that stuff can go in the baskets under the bench. We thought our Bean would want to sit on it so we put his favorite blanket on top. However, he seems content sitting on the couch or in our laps.
This marks the last post I have planned. So unless I accomplish a loosely-related home improvement task before next Wednesday, there won't be a schedule post. To be notified of when I resume posting I recommend Google's Reader, which 'watches' website, like Blogspot, and notifies you when its updated.
Google Reader is da BOMB, son. I just started using it a couple weeks ago, and it's awesome.
Not way better, but a marked improvement over Bloglines (my former reader).
Neither are as good as 300+ issues of the X-Men scanned into PDF, though.
Nice to know someone else uses the gReader.
Those two DVD of comics are going to come in handy when we take our 10 hour flight to Portugal this summer.
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